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Dr. Beverley Marais DPsych CPsychol CSci AFBPsS UKCP reg. HCPC reg. FDAP
best psychologist

Therapy does not need to be face to face (in-person).
There is a significant possibility that the future trend for most private therapy will be conducted through online video conference and include methods such as Skype, Zoom, Teams, telephone counselling and email counselling and therapy.
Many evidence-based studies have found that online therapy works just as well and in some cases, even better that face to face. There are many reasons why people choose online therapy such as:
Accessibility: online therapy is accessible to all.
Convenience: it’s convenient for busy professionals or for those juggling family or other commitments.
Appointments can be scheduled over 24 hours in different time zones.
Affordability: online therapy can be a more affordable alternative, due to reduced administration procedures and no commuting.
Anonymity: it reduces the social stigma associated with therapy and therefore people might be more inclined to seek help via online means.
Communication pathways: it increases communication channels with the use of video-conferencing, telephone / email.
Some of the disadvantages of Online therapy are:
Confidentiality: it is advisable to use a secure email network such as
Effectiveness: therapists cannot respond to crisis situations via email and it may not be as appropriate for more chronic or complex conditions.
Lack of physical presence: some client’s may experience lack of therapeutic intimacy, commitment and trust when a therapist is not physically present.
If you are considering online therapy, it is advisable to address any concerns you may have, in order to ascertain your therapist’s credibility as well as to ensure that this particular style of communication suits you and your needs.
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